Highly Meditated
Making Space for Daily Meditation (here’s how!)
We know that meditation has endless benefits. So why aren’t we all on our meditation cushions every day? Sometimes life just gets in the way. Based on my review of hundreds of studies, these tips will help you discover the secrets to a lasting meditation practice.
Be open.
Studies show that people who have a personality that is open and agreeable have an easier time sticking with their meditation practice. Doesn’t sound like you? Simply setting an intention of openness can go a long way.
Make Time.
Morning is the ideal time to meditate, when the information from the day has yet to be downloaded. That said, meditation is available to you any time, any place. When you are walking, standing in line at the airport, or trying to fall asleep.
Expectations matter.
One of the greatest barriers to meditation is an expectation that you will close your eyes and automatically feel a state of bliss. This is not meditation. Meditation can bring up strong and painful thoughts and emotions, which is good! When you are aware of these emotions and permit them, they metabolize, and you become free.
Expect a spike in reactivity.
Often times people experience a spike in reactivity shortly after starting their meditation practice, becoming emotional, irritable, anxious or sad. If you notice this, try to remain committed. Those that do keep meditating describe a transition into a state of improved re-perception (the experience of non-judgment and non-reactivity).
Consistency is key.
To build your meditation muscles you may find yourself more successful if you dedicate 5 minutes a day every day, rather than meditate 15 minutes twice a week. Repetition is how good habits are formed.
Want more tips?
This post is adapted from the Mama Space Guidebook, part of my new Mama Space Package.